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Shaping Feelings

Shaping Feelings

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting every aspect of people’s lives in an unprecedented manner. While many of its implications, such as psychological distress and social distancing measures affect all of our society, different age groups and communities experience these impacts in distinct ways. How do we create spaces to process these mixed feelings?

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Framer Framed continued to collaborate with artists, educators, NGO’s, local schools and municipality to create various modes of activities in the North and East of Amsterdam for children, young people, and vulnerable groups, whose welfare became ever-more difficult due to the extensive lockdown.

These artistic activities attempt to offer safe spaces for active listening, caring and being for and with each other in these times of trouble and fear, where intangible and non-verbal feelings can be materialized in different shapes. Shaping Feelings visualize not only the creative spirits and wishful energies of Amsterdammers across different generations and professions, but also reinstates the importance of being socially relevant and responsible as a cultural platform that puts ethics of care, love and the well-being of people in the center of our practice.

Featured Projects:

All You Need is Love
Food Bank Molenwijk
Frigiti Tori
Future Today
i-psy Arts Atelier
Idea library for Crisis and Community
Mini Parades in Molenwijk
Pedestals of Clay
Stay Strong Photo Stories
Taal voor Eenzaamheid

This room is curated by:
Framer Framed


met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Soundtrackcity Het huis van Amsterdam