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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I stay anonymous?
Your contribution can remain anonymous on the website. However, you must let us know who you are. This is for copyright reasons and in case we have any questions about your contribution. If you choose the option ‘anonymous’, you still have to share your name and details with us. These will then not be visible to visitors of the website. 

I want to participate, but I don’t know how or what to send in.
Inspiration can be found in your own surroundings. What do you see when you look out the window? Does something beautiful, sad, or funny happen? How do you get up and how do you get to work? Can you still work or are you afraid for your job? How is your health? If you don’t immediately know a subject, keep an eye on our social media channels for inspiration: there we will post regularly about a certain angle or subject to help you. 

How do I submit?
Submitting an entry to the exhibition is simple. You can send in a photo, video, text, or audio clip using the button on the home page. Please note that if any persons are recognizable in your contribution, they too must give permission to use the photo or video.

Can I also send in objects?
At the moment we cannot accept physical objects. If you think your object can help preserve the story of the coronavirus for future generations, please upload a photo of the object instead. Should we proceed to a physical exhibition or collect physical objects, we will contact you.  

Can I have my entry removed later?
You always have the right to delete your entry. If you believe you are unintentionally or illegitimately shown on someone else’s submission, we ask you to let us know immediately at

How long will you keep my entry and what will happen to the digital exhibition and collection when COVID-19 is over?
Corona in the City is part of the project Collecting the City, in which the Amsterdam Museum, together with the Public Library (OBA), University of Amsterdam, City Archives, Tropenmuseum and the City of Amsterdam, is collecting stories from residents of the city as a gift for the 750th anniversary of Amsterdam. We will keep the entry at least until 2025 when we realize the exhibition within the project Collecting the City. 

What does it mean that my entry can also be used for research? |That students and researchers of the University of Amsterdam may use the entry for research into the impact of corona on the daily lives of citizens. This will be done anonymously – outsiders will not be able to trace your data back to the input. After editing and analyzing the results, this can be published and shared via the platform and the university’s regular communication channels (website, social media, press releases). You can always retrieve your own research data and withdraw from the research.

Can I submit more than one entry?
You can upload multiple files on the same subject in one go.  If you have a number of submissions on different subjects, please send them in separately from each other. In this way, you can adjust your explanation and title to fit the content and it will be easier for the editors to judge your submission. 

I am unable to upload my entry via the website, can I email it?
You can also send your entry via email. However, we would like to expressly ask you to use the submission form on the website. If you need help with this, you can also call the secretariat of the Amsterdam Museum. If you still prefer to send an email, please send it to 


Het huis van Amsterdam Soundtrackcity met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West