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Terms and Conditions

The website, including the English version, (“the site”) is a project of Stichting Amsterdam Museum.

Address details
Amsterdam Museum
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 359
1012 RM Amsterdam
T 020 5231 822

These conditions apply to visitors who wish to submit a contribution to the site. They explain how to do so, what you should pay attention to, and a number of other important matters, so please read them carefully. By submitting a contribution, you agree to be bound by the conditions. These can be consulted on the site, and we will also send you a free copy on request.

Contributions can be uploaded via ….[short description of submission process]. If you are under 16, you must obtain permission from your parent or guardian. As a user, you are responsible for your contribution.

Contribution content
Please make sure that your contribution does not violate the rights of others, and that it complies with the rules [link] and these conditions. For example, you may not submit images, videos or data that could violate the image rights or privacy of third parties without their express permission. Underage third parties require permission from their parents/legal representative(s).

Contributions must fit within the framework of the Corona in the City project, and must not contain any photos, video, text, or other material that

– Discriminates on the grounds of appearance, race, religion, gender, culture, or origin, or is otherwise offensive
– Is offensive or violent and/or incites hatred
– Is incorrect or misleading
– Is pornographic
– Contains confidential information belonging to or concerning third parties
– Infringes copyrights, trademarks, design rights or other intellectual property
– Infringes third-party image rights
– Contains malicious software
– Contains spam, chain letters, junk mail, unsolicited emails, offers, or advertisements of any kind
– Contains links to websites with unlawful content
– Is contrary to the law or to public order
– Is contrary to standards of decency or good taste
– Contravenes these conditions

We may at any time refuse, modify or remove without notice material that you submit or post, and will not be liable as a result.

Copyright and other intellectual property
You will retain the copyright and other intellectual property rights to your contribution. By submitting it, you grant us permission to publish and reproduce it on

  1. The site, as part of the collection, and possibly in the digital exhibition Corona in the city on the site and physical exhibitions in the context of Collecting the City: 750 Years of Amsterdam. In this project, the Amsterdam Museum collects stories from residents in association with the city’s public libraries, the University of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam City Archives, the Tropenmuseum, and the City of Amsterdam, partly to celebrate Amsterdam’s 750th anniversary.
  2. The general website of the Amsterdam Museum, and

You also grant us permission to

– Include your contribution in our digital and physical collections, and use it for future digital and physical exhibitions
– Use it and make it available in presentations and press material to promote the above websites, as well as digital and physical exhibitions and collections
– Publish it on our public Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts, and on YouTube, where it is visible to everyone and can be shared by users.
– Make it available for research by the University of Amsterdam into the  impact of corona on the daily lives of citizens. After processing and analysis, the university will publish and share the results on its website, and in social media, press releases, and other communication channels.

If the copyright and/or other intellectual property rights to all or part of your contribution belong to a third party, you guarantee that you have their permission to submit it and to grant the above licences and sublicences.

You indemnify us against any third-party claims arising from the use of your contribution as described above, including but not limited to claims based on intellectual property, image or privacy rights, libel, defamation, and/or violation of these conditions.

We may modify or temporarily or permanently remove the site at any time, and cannot guarantee that it will always work properly. We may not be held liable as a result of any of these circumstances. Among other things, we will not be liable for damage caused by viruses, or for the loss of contributions, or the site’s failure to function properly.

We may not be held liable for contributions towards you as a user and/or towards third parties. or for damage arising from or in connection with the use of content on the site or links to third-party sites or other technical facilities. A link to a third-party site does not imply that we are affiliated with that party or endorse the content of the site. The limitations of liability mentioned in these conditions do not apply to the party if the damage is caused by deliberate or gross negligence on our part.

When you submit a contribution, you will be asked to provide certain personal data. We will process this in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and our privacy policy. For more information about this policy, and how we handle personal data, please refer to our privacy and cookie statements at You will also allow us to use this data in the manner described in the Copyright and Other Intellectual Property section above.

Other provisions
We may unilaterally amend these conditions from time to time. The latest version can always be consulted by clicking on the “conditions” link on the site. The headings are intended for ease of reading, and do not form part of the conditions. If one or more provisions are wholly or partially invalid or annulled, the remaining provisions will continue to apply.

All legal relationships to which we are a party shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law, even if an obligation is wholly or partly performed abroad or the other party is domiciled there. Unless otherwise required by law, any disputes relating to your contribution and your use of the site will be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam.

Questions, remarks, and complaints
If you have any questions or comments, please contact


met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Het huis van Amsterdam Soundtrackcity