door Vanja Dimitrova
Within the Dutch ballroom community there is a wish to discuss the history, present and future of the vogue scene in the Netherlands. Where did ballroom come from, what exactly does it stand for, is it just fun or more at stake? Dancer, singer, performer and one of the trailblazers of the ballroom community Perry Gits discusses abrasive themes within the scene in a full program that ends with a (digital) roll call – finally we can vogue again with MC Zelda Fitzgerald and DJ Arnold Arakaza!
The Dutch ballroom sub-culture has existed for almost six years now, especially within the black and lgbti communities. Now that the scene is also publicly displayed, it is important to talk about topics that affect the community. How can we take better care of ourselves as a group? How do we deal with corona and the lack of physical togetherness? What is its effect on us mentally? What to do about discrimination within the scene, for example that of transgender people? What is the role and responsibility of white people in an originally black subculture? Perry will discuss these topics with ballroom experts.
by COC's Shakespeare Club