Buurtlicht projects “Life Lines”
door Tanja Henn
Anand: ‘It’s simply part of me to want to help ’vulnerable’ people. I enjoy knowing that I mean something to somebody. Making other people happy makes me feel good. That is why I have been doing voluntary work for such a long time now. It’s also a bit out of self-interest: since I became unemployed, it has given my life structure. I feel useful again and am spending my time sensibly.
Transporting vulnerable people to their day activity centre is what I used to do. Picking them up from home, accompanying them and bringing them home again in the afternoon. Until lockdown came and also the day activity centres were closed down.
During those months I started delivering meals. That’s nice to do as well, but I am very happy that since mid-June the day activity centres are open again. I am happy for the people that enjoy going there, and also for myself. At least three times a week I am doing my trips again!’
Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam (Volunteer Centre Amsterdam) / Photo by: Sake Rijpkema
by Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam / Photo by: Sake Rijpkema