door Dineke Rizzoli
Leanne: ‘Besides the regular support we provide, during the lockdown our Hillsong church organised extra activities to help the needy. An appeal was sent out via a friend to ask people to help with doing grocery shopping for the physically handicapped in a care home. I responded straight away as I really wanted to do something for other people during these difficult times. The papers were full of personal suffering and this way I was able to do my bit.
Every Friday I collected five shopping lists and went to the supermarket for the residents. And each time I delivered the shopping it gave me a happy and satisfied feeling, knowing the residents would enjoy the nice food and treats they had ordered for the weekend. My husband helped me. The funniest thing was that the first time we went shopping, he had filled the trolley with products, but then I checked everything thoroughly with what was on the list and went round again to put things back and to replace them with the ‘right’ products in terms of brand, price and content. Which is such a typical women’s thing to do!’
by Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam / Photo by: Sake Rijpkema