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Karim reads: TIPPING POINT

The story of Richard Marquez (musical entrepreneur and actor)
is read by Karim Adduchi (fashion designer and artist)

‘I was playing an Afro-Cuban song for Babalu Aye. He is a healer and protector in the Yoruba Orisha tradition. In the tradition, among other things, he is seen as the giver and taker of infectious diseases. He has the power to give them to you, but also to protect you from them. It seemed like the perfect occasion, at a time when the whole world is facing the threat of this virus, to be able to invoke this energy to heal. If we were going to put out musical vibrations to the community, then why not Babalu Aye? It seemed like a perfect fit to call upon him in these times.’

Karim Adduchi

Richard Marquez

CORONAGETUIGENISSEN is a multimedia series of portrait stories of five residents of Amsterdam-West. They were interviewed by writer Warda El-Kaddouri and photographed by Vincent van Kleef. Five other residents of Amsterdam-West read these testimonies while filmmaker Vanessa van Gasselt captured them on screen. Afterwards, the readers reflected on the stories from their perspective. It is symbolic for the strong solidarity that lives among the residents of Amsterdam West.

Coronagetuigenissen is curated by Margreet van der Vlies from Operation Periscoop on behalf of Stadsdeel Amsterdam-West.

by Operatie Periscoop


met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Soundtrackcity Het huis van Amsterdam