Burgemeester Roëlstraat (Nieuw-West)
door Marie Anne Remmelink
Tjon A Fong:
Menselijke interactie is voor een aantal mensen teruggebracht tot dagelijkse ZOOM- vergaderingen.
En vorm van communiceren die in de dystopische variant een link met Orwell’s 1984 heeft.
Maar bij gebrek aan beter vergaderen, ontmoeten, borrelen en discussiëren we in real time, maar niet in real live.
Kay van Bellen:
I am an artist who lectures at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute. My work, in part, takes inspiration from my daily journeys to and from Muiderport Station to Mauritskade 11, where I observe, sketch and record Amsterdammers daily lives. Stopping of at Dapperstraat Market, taking a tram to hangout at Bakhuys, rapidly sketching the newcomers and the familiar faces that have become part of my life.
This interaction and observation came to an abrupt halt when Covid-19 quarantined Amsterdam. My daily inspiration changed and was replaced with a new virtual one. Human contact with work colleagues, family and friends was now through online Zoom meetings. This new found dialogue became my new source of inspiration.
I took to sketching the faces on my screen. My work became insights into my colleagues, as their backgrounds told stories of them through their homes, family members, pets and plants coming in and out of view.
A new virtual humanity.
door Kay van Bellen