We participate – dream
door Lot Wuisman
King’s Day
Orange mouth caps, orange wigs and weird glasses. And an empty city. If you have to use a mouth cap anyway, it’s better in style. It’s pretty cute in orange with a colorful half-open blouse.
The salvation is near
I went out to photograph the empty city. That was easier said than done, because there were a lot more people everywhere than I thought. On the Dam Square there were one-man demonstrators from Russia, Palestine and Kurdistan with large signs. And there were quite a lot of believers singing together, but separately. They also had large plates with home made crucifixes. I gave up, photographing an empty Dam was really not possible. I got into a conversation with one of the beautiful ladies with a cross, and she told me that the end was near, but also the salvation. Luckily, always nice to know that there is still hope.
The teacher is tired
Coffee break at home in the sun. Without colleagues. Without a teachers’ room. I’m tired of teaching at the computer. Don’t do it. Give me back my noisy, impetuous and often unstoppable Amsterdam students. A pair of eyes that meet mine, a hand to shake. Faint jokes that lighten my day.
I never expected to miss my adolescent pupils so much.
Backgammon across borders
My partner and I live in different countries. So we’re used to not seeing each other for a long time i.r.l. We’ve been skyping, faceting, whatsappen, you name it, we do it. But this time it will take a very long time before we will see each other again. In fact, we have no idea when that is. So we have fun together but separately as well as we can. After we experienced Tiger King and countless other Netflix series together but separately, it was time for a solid portion of backgammon. Supported by four different mobile devices we got it done. It wasn’t easy, but it was fun.
It was a cold night at the end of March. The city was empty by then. Unreal silence. Wonderful. This picture is actually far too chic and classic for my taste, but still, it was just like that. I couldn’t resist enjoying Museumplein, because I had the empire all to myself. When this is over, I will cherish the quiet moments in the city like jewels in my inner pocket.
by Mandra Wabäck