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0. “Introduction”

My name is Kim Marquardt. I had just started a new job in a new hospital, leaving shift work behind, when the COVID crisis hit. Immediately it felt wrong, sitting behind a computer screen, knowing that my former colleagues were experiencing increasingly hard times. I decided to quit my new job and return to the Intensive Care Unit of OLVG hospital. I arrived in a surreal environment, where nothing seemed the same as before. I saw so many new people, all completely suited up in protective gear. Doctors and nurses from all over the hospital were helping out. In a short period of time our hospital was flooded with corona patients and the amount of available ICU beds was scaled up to about sixty. It was so busy it seemed no one had time to think deeply about what was actually happening. The idea formed that we needed to document this incredible situation, to look back on. Photography being my hobby, I really wanted to take part in documenting. Looking through the lens, I realised how unusual our days at the ward had become. This collection of pictures is a reflection of those unusual days, through the eyes of an ICU nurse.

In order to have permission to make and share these photographs, and to preserve the privacy of staff and patients, no names are provided and only partial glimpses of the people being treated can be seen.

by Kim Marquardt


met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Het huis van Amsterdam Soundtrackcity