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Poem about TOS in the coronation era

Meike van Genugten, TOS experience worker in the TOS factory, made this beautiful poem about loneliness, creativity and connectedness in the coronation era. TOS is a language development disorder. The photo was made by Susan Leurs.

Emptiness in ourselves, working behind an image
Meetings at coffee machine, no more shared chats
Eye contact, body language. The physical contact so important
What a lack at the TOS factory in the middle of a city district
Lose rhythm, get used to it and adjust
Let’s get that extra call in.
Working differently now, we all know that
But young people with TOS get creative and that’s ideal
These actions, maybe we’re more connected
Every hour and minute counts, but also the seconds
Whether you’re making a meal for your sick neighbor or looking after children
Let’s reduce the loneliness in this world

by Meike van Genugten, ervaringswerker TOS in de TOSfabriek


met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Het huis van Amsterdam Soundtrackcity