door #HoeGaatHetEchtMetJe
from left to right:
1. Tree of Punishment
This work is the tree of punished by different ways women, in Europe and Colonized countries, including self-punishment, as the result of the trauma of patriarchal oppression, in many cases going through generations.
I am combining in my drawing the image of the Middle Age masks of punishment which was put on women if they raise their voice or say something critical, with the image of contemporary clothes and some mythological characters, probably appeared to defend the psycho from the horror of reality.
2. Galvanizations of Emotions
This work portrays both human and non human figure wandering around the city under isolation. The deadly sign of ‘RIP’ signifies the numerous lost and pain we have been experiencing on a global level over the past few months. Nonetheless, the electrifying lines that trespasses the boundaries and unite the different figures, also implies that this emotion we share may galvanize into a stronger sense of collectivism and alliance.
(Text written in the dialogue with Emily (Shin-Jie) Lee.)
1.5 m
Now every time going “outside” became a breathtaking adventure. Before you were just going out and it is an ordinary trip with usual sites.
And now if you go down the street -there is a real theater going on. Amazingly, how all people in such a short time became disciplined actors. They stop if they see you already from 8 meters, looking down passing by, doing a derive if the road is too narrow by going on the opposite side of the street, gazing suspicious or with the open scariness in the shop if you violate 1, 5 m by chance.
Are humans becoming enemies ?!
This night I had a dream that I got a hand with a sophisticated prosthesis that can feel the skin of the person you want to touch and at the same time keep a distance. I think it might be our common future. It would be great to find the scientist who is thinking in the same direction and can create this hand together.
Evening Dress
I was reading a lot about the pejorative surveillance that extreme rights have developed for the humankind. It is scaring me. My friend Echan (Scan Ocovich) posted on Facebook: CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT IT WILL BE THE PASSPORTS OF IMMUNE SYSTEM?
And I became almost pretty sure that they are already agreed on that and start to develop such passports.
My mind can not stop working and producing the images of the Uniform “Healthy Lungs” to prove that you are ‘healthy’. The next day I came to the studio and create a sketch for the Uniform, but instead of it I spontaneously drew this evening dress.
In the end, it appeared quite logical: We will need the Uniform for work “Healthy Lungs”, but we also will need Evening Dresses! WE MUST HAVE PARTYS after all.
5. The dress for Babi
This drawing I made after the conversation with my dear friend Babi Badalov who is now alone in Paris. Babi has no family. He told me that his studio has no ventilation and during the lockdown he is especially struggling with the absence of air. During the day he is climbing the ladder to the window to put his head out to breathe. He also said that he sometimes is overeating and when I gave him the advice to talk with a doctor he unfolds a long story of how racist doctors in Paris can be. Although some of them are very friendly he said in the end. There are many more strict rules for the lockdown in Paris. You are allowed to walk only 1 km around the house and sometimes 3 km if the policemen are in a good mood, he said.
How I miss my dear friend! Our walks talks via the Barbès textile shops and special places to eat (Babi has an amazing taste)
We met in St Petersburg in 1998 and when he immigrated to Paris he became one of my dearest soals with whom you can speak and feel yourself.