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Amsterdam Every Day

Through these pictures I am paying homage to Amsterdam which is a city that helps you to remember the beauty of life even in the most difficult times. When the COVID-19 pandemic abruptly upended our lives last year, I did what I would always do in a moment of despair and as a trained photographer – photograph. People say that during the pandemic some of their relationships fizzled out and other relationships got strengthened. The latter happened to me and Amsterdam. On the same day as the Dutch government announced the intelligent lockdown, I took my camera and hit the streets. I cycled to Dam Square which was already pretty empty of tourists. In the middle of the square, there was a busker dressed up as death and I remember how reality really hit me. I got my shot and returned home while thinking that I gotta keep doing this until things get better and that I will be doing this not only for documentation but also to have routines which will help me to stay healthy. The beauty of the city helped me to get through the worst phase while the photographs are reflections of my emotional landscape of that time.

by Jenna Rutanen


Soundtrackcity met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Het huis van Amsterdam