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Speech mayor Femke Halsema on digital commemoration Jom Hasjoa

Every year, the Jewish communities of the Netherlands in the Hollandsche Schouwburg together commemorate family, friends, and other loved ones who were murdered during the Shoah (Holocaust). This year, on behalf of 32 Jewish organisations, the commemoration took place on 21 April (27 Nisan 5780 on the Hebrew calendar). The organizing committee Yom Hasjoa Commemoration Netherlands, in close cooperation with the Jewish Cultural Quarter, made as many programme components as possible available digitally: there were videos of the introduction of David Simon and of short speeches by Mayor Halsema, the Israeli ambassador Naor Gilon, Jaap Wertheim as representative of the generation of Shoah survivors and Naomi van Hessen on behalf of the younger Jewish generation and of the Yizkor, sung by Daniel ten Brink who took over from Awraham Rosenberg because of the health risks.

by Femke Halsema


Soundtrackcity met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Het huis van Amsterdam