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Tai Chi via WhatsApp video calls with Roger

Online communication is the magic word in this coronation era, we work at home and we look for new possibilities to let our lives go on as well as possible. For example, my husband and I, Marja the Children, are taking Tai Chi lessons from Sam Franklin of Internal Arts almost daily from mid-March onwards. We do this through WhatsApp video calls and with my Roger Select of ComPilot, because I am hearing impaired. With these tools I can hear the teacher’s voice directly in my hearing aids. The voice is familiar and therefore easy for me to follow.

My husband is in another room with his own phone otherwise the mobile phones will resonate.

Really nice to continue the lessons in this way. I can recommend it.  The nice thing is that in this short time I have mastered the form of William C. C. Chen better. And, of course, the meditative nature of it also gives me peace of mind.

Tai Chi Chuan is an ancient Chinese internal martial art and health system based on Taoist philosophy. Nowadays it is mainly practiced as meditation in motion and is a great way to improve your health. While practicing Tai Chi you combine breathing and relaxation exercises, visualization techniques and ‘mindful’ movement in order to get to know your body better and let it move as one. It is good against stress and promotes physical and mental resilience.

Tai Chi Chuan is based on the concept of Yin and Yang, the idea that everything in life consists of two opposite forces or principles that need to be in balance with each other. By applying the concept of Yin and Yang in movement, you learn the most efficient and natural way to use your body in order to be better balanced. Practicing Tai Chi is done in a calm and peaceful way and is therefore suitable for people of all ages.

by Marja de Kinderen, Slechthorend Amsterdam


met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Soundtrackcity Het huis van Amsterdam