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door Annie Wright
I am a Chinese student in Amsterdam. The shock of the pandemic started to be strongly felt by Europe when the quarantine began in Mid-March, but for me, and the Chinese community in Europe this was the second wave of impact. We probably had the most desolated Chinese New Year in recent years when the lockdown in China started during the most important family-gathering festival in February. A lot of my Chinese friends here in Amsterdam had to cancel their plans of going back for a family reunion. Though staying in Europe at that time was a wiser choice to secure my physical health, it did not ease my worries and anxiety about the health of my family and friends. News about numbers of the infected and the dead and the heart-broken featured stories fighting against the virus got on my nerves. I felt strengthless. There is nothing I can do for my family or friends apart from hoping for the best and asking them to stay home and abide by the health regulations.
door Anoniem