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Alphabet of Uncertain Times

A theatrical study of things to hold on to in times of crisis

The Alfabet van onzekere tijden (Alphabet of Uncertain Times) is an interdisciplinary study of what we can cling on to in times of crisis. Eight performers create a physical and poetic dictionary that merges language, image and movement into a single whole.

This video series is a continuation in greater depth of ZID Theater’s physical exhibition of the same title. The idea behind the project was born during a period of social isolation and collective fear. The observation that each person handles that fear differently inspired an investigation to find out what we can learn from each other in periods of major change. In times when we are forced to let go of our habits, can we welcome the future with a sense of humour and an open mind?

Viewers are presented with reflections on collective and personal experiences in times of instability. These reflections, presented both as a performance and in the video exhibition, explore the background of a number of terms from the ‘alphabet’. Each term is explored from an individual angle as well as from the perspective of a collective experience of crisis.

The performance Het alfabet van onzekere tijden, presented by ZID Theater and directed by Karolina Spaić, will premiere in September 2021.

Director: Karolina Spaić
Film: Lot Wuisman
Production: Lot Wuisman and Dana Zdero
Performers: Claribel Castillo Rodriquez, Daan Bosch, Issam Zemmouri, Ista Putranto, Joske Daamen, Lara Bakker, Naïma Baraka, Sebo Bakker, Vivian Deekman
Texts: Claribel Castillo Rodriquez, Daan Bosch, Issam Zemmouri, Ista Putranto, Joske Daamen, Karolina Spaić, Lara Bakker, Naïma Baraka, Sebo Bakker, Vivian Deekman, Wendela de Vos
Special thanks to: Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Amsterdam Nieuw-West District, Amsterdam-West District, VSBfonds

This room is curated by:
Lot Wuisman (ZID Theater)


Het huis van Amsterdam met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Soundtrackcity