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Weekly protest against corona measures

It’s busy on Museumplein (Museum Square). Today, 28 February 2021 is the seventh Sunday when a diverse group of people come together to protest against the corona measures. The atmosphere is relaxed. There is a mix of old and young. Nobody is wearing a face mask. Some people met during earlier protests on the square. When they see each other, they hug, ‘it’s great to see you again!’

There is a woman in the middle of the crowd, carrying red heart-shaped balloons. This is Cindy. A couple of weeks ago she felt she wanted to do something nice for the people in the square and that is why she is handing out balloons. Soon the square is full of people carrying the red, heart-shaped balloons. A symbol for what most people are calling for at this protest, ‘Love, Freedom, No dictatorship’.

by Renate Zentschnig


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