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Plein ’40-’45 full of volunteers every evening: ‘We don’t want our children rioting’

Dozens of local mothers, mosque representatives and youth workers have been out in force to prevent disturbances at Plein ’40-’45 in Slotermeer. In other neighbourhoods, the Riot Police had to be mobilised after the introduction of the curfew, but in this area, things remained quiet.

The volunteers talk to the youths they find out on the streets. ‘What we really want is for them to go home. But even just removing their anonymity and finding out who they are is a good achievement,’ says Ilhame Grinate, a member of Buurtmoeders Moeders Kracht. ‘We don’t want our children out here rioting. In fact, we don’t want them to set a foot outside the door around this time of the evening.’

‘We see everything that’s going on in the Netherlands, in the cities,’ says Mohamed El Fakiri of the Council of Moroccan Mosques. ‘It’s unacceptable, what some young people are doing. That’s why we decided to come here and help.’

by AT5


met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Soundtrackcity Het huis van Amsterdam