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Online buddy

A buddy, a mate. For someone who needs a little extra attention, support or assistance, such as an elderly person, a child or a refugee recently awarded a residence permit.

Having a cup of coffee together, practicing the Dutch language, doing homework or reading together: it makes a difference for these people. This voluntary work continues today, online!

Anne-Sophie is such a buddy, making a video call twice a week to a residence permit holder via the organisation Warm Welkom (Warm Welcome). ‘We do language exercises together and chat about different topics in order for him to improve his Dutch. I always wanted to be a language buddy. I made the move, because it now is possible to do it from home and I have a little extra time. I’m very happy to do so! It has even turned into a beautiful friendship.’

Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam (Volunteer Centre Amsterdam) / Photo by: Sake Rijpkema

by Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam / Photo by: Sake Rijpkema


met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Soundtrackcity Het huis van Amsterdam