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audio Your Foam

Kaylé reflects on Earth

We asked Kaylé Ros which work or artist in the On Earth exhibition on display at Foam during the corona pandemic she found most inspiring, and in what way. Her answer was Lava Boat Tour by Locas Foglia.

Photo credit: Human Nature Lava Boat Tour © Lucas Foglia


Kaylé Ros is one of ten Amsterdam senior secondary vocational students who participated in the Your Foam project. From January to June 2020, she  collaborated on the following assignment: to come up with, organise and coordinate an event for youths in Foam, taking into account the themes of the exhibition On Earth (on display in the museum at the time). With the corona outbreak in March, it seemed as if the event would have to be cancelled – but on 3 July, two and a half months later than originally planned, the students nevertheless managed to present a spectacular and corona-proof version of the event, under the title of Where is my nature?


by Foam


met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Het huis van Amsterdam Soundtrackcity