Mr Treublaan (East)
door Mijke de Hartog
8 June 2021
The reopening of the cinemas on Monday also saw the opening of the first bed cinema in the country. This month thirty people can watch a film in bed in Theater Amsterdam in the Houthavens. With the documentary Yab Yum on the enormous screen, various invited influencers bedded down on the king-size beds. Does a film in bed not lead to romance?
The large auditorium of Theater Amsterdam can normally accommodate 1100 visitors, but from 7 to 23 June there will be fifteen double beds spread throughout the hall. Everyone’s been watching films in bed during the past year, but not on a screen this size. ‘Here we have the largest cinema screen in the Netherlands – fifty metres wide. So this is really a must-do for film lovers’, according to Joep Verbunt, initiator of the bed cinema.
The documentary Yab Yum is shown at the opening and many influencers have been invited. They are all enthusiastic: ‘It’s so comfortable, that I’m actually a bit worried I’ll fall asleep.’ Different films are screened every day, including romantic films, action films and children’s films.
The question is of course: what happens when the lights are dimmed? ‘He’s already wearing his cinema trousers!’, says one of the guests who has managed to find a place with her boyfriend at the back. ‘Hands above the blankets, we’ve been told’, according to two other visitors. During the film visitors can have food and drinks brought to bed. ‘We have a complete team to clean all the beds after a performance.’ In this way hopefully nobody will find popcorn between the sheets.
What really happens when it is dark, remains to be seen. Initiator Verbunt trusts people to behave themselves. ‘I’m sure people will behave properly and are here for the film, and not their partner.’
by AT5