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European Hockey Championships – ‘So many people are clapping and cheering’

10 June 2021

The European Hockey Championships are in full swing in the Wagener Stadium in Amsterdamse Bos, each day welcoming three thousand visitors. On site, people have to keep distance of course, but despite this the atmosphere in the stand is wonderful.

‘You need to entertain people more than just offering the hockey game. You need to immerse them in a collective atmosphere’, says Joost Vettorato, event manager with the Dutch Hockey Federation. There is, for example, a presenter to keep the people entertained in between the matches.
Clapping and cheering

The ladies of the Dutch team are very happy with how it’s going. Regardless of the 10-0 win over Ireland on Thursday night, it feels good to play in front of an audience again.

The Championships are extra special for Stella van Gils, as she is making her debut for the Dutch team: ‘Yes, it does feel super to enter the stadium with so many people clapping and cheering. It’s just wonderful.’


by AT5


Soundtrackcity met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Het huis van Amsterdam