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Salvation Army photo competition 2020: Fay

Fay: Yesterday the news came that there are two infections in our department and today’s the first morning we’re quarantined as a department.
This requires quite a few adjustments, while we go to the people to walk the lap we measure the temperature, take down all the banisters and door handles and try to talk to everyone as best we can. A hectic shift though. All residents have to stay in their rooms, you ask quite a bit of them. And from us, because we are now walking around constantly with breakfast, coffee, tea & fruit, medication, lunch, lemonade and in between we take the garbage with us and try to have a good conversation.
In the cup a strip with thermometer caps. I am armed with a packet of cleaning wipes and my colleague has tied a pedal bucket bag to his trousers to keep the used.

by Fay


Soundtrackcity met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Het huis van Amsterdam