PERRYPRESENTS: “I’m so into voguing right now” at COC’s Shakespeare Club 2020
door COC's Shakespeare Club
VICE Netherlands, feminist platform De Bovengrondse en Landelijk Netwerk Veilig Thuis join forces with a campaign to draw attention to domestic violence during the COVID19 crisis.
The Aboveground, VICE Netherlands and Landelijk Netwerk Veilig Thuis call on people to be extra alert to domestic violence during this period and to take action in case of suspicion of domestic violence. A poster has been made, see appendix, which people can download via this link and then distribute. With this campaign, they want to let people in a vulnerable position know that there is help and call bystanders to action.
In the last five years, 750,000 people in the Netherlands have been victims of domestic violence. Psychological violence and social isolation are not yet added to that. There are about 100,000 children and young people who see violence every year. Aid organisations are very worried about an increase in domestic violence during quarantine. “Without a crisis, domestic violence is already a major problem. But developments in countries like Belgium, Spain and France show that the risk of violence in times of crisis is increasing. In those countries, the number of requests for help is increasing considerably,” says Debbie Maas, chairman of the National Network Safe at Home.
They call for the poster to be printed out and pasted in targeted places: at home on your window, in an apartment building, or on the notice board at the supermarket or pharmacy in the neighbourhood.
People who do not have a printer can take over the message with a pen. They are also called upon to share the image and message via social media.
The aim of this campaign is to remind people that, also here in the Netherlands, we need to be extra alert – because #stay home does not mean the same to everyone as #stay safe.
by feministisch platform De Bovengrondse, Landelijk Netwerk Veilig Thuis, VICE Nederland