Corona crisis talks – Diana Ozon
door Rob Zwetsloot
I was sent home from the university 3 month before finishing my PhD thesis. I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t return to the office before I the final submission of my manuscript. My mood was constantly changing: one the one hand, I benefited from the lockdown as there were no distractions in my own ‘bubble’; on the other side, I was left alone with frustrations and anxieties constantly waiting for emails that might or might not resolve some of my issues and answer my questions.
For the last 2,5 month we are all confined to our bubbles. Space lost its meaning, since only wifi connection enables communication with external world. We became a network, where your social life is restricted to the number of connections you have: number of people you can call and talk to, and maybe have a drink via Zoom. Talking to my friends and colleagues, I realised that some people were completely fine with working from home, some were not. With time the opinions were changing. In some bubbles the mood intensified, while others accepted the situation. The weather outside became less important than the weather inside your own bubble.
I painted these bubbles as individual households connected to each other via wireless communication. Colors represent constantly changing weather inside each one of them. Watercolor was the prefect medium to represent the dynamics of colors inside the bubbles.
by Yuliia Orlova