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The night that looked like day

In tijden van corona heb ik, Susanne Opstal (regisseur), samen met producent Holy Fools en meer dan 75 mensen wereldwijd een bijzonder tijdsdocument gemaakt over de coronasituatie. De film, stills van de film en informatie over de makers is the vinden op:

Achtergrond informatie over het project:
What if everything you are used to, changes in a blink of an eye? It sounds like a plot for a Hollywood science fiction movie. But after Covid-19 we know it is reality. It changed the way we eat, travel, communicate, and live together with friends, family, and strangers. It has put all our certainties aside and no one knows what lies ahead. The night that looked like day captures our distorted reality with shots from all over the world.

Empty streets and squares, closed shops, and no one to be seen. As if the night is in broad daylight, and the world is paused for a moment. The night that looked like day shows what happens when you wake up one day and the world is no longer the same. A new reality that each of us must learn to deal with. But this film is not about washing hands or keeping as much distance from each other as possible. No, it shows what connects us. Not only here, but all over the world.

Therefore we invited more than 75 international filmmakers, friends, and even friends of friends to capture their sense of place and time. Places where we couldn’t go and film ourselves. The result is a document that shows we are united as one, all over the world. Let’s stay that way, regardless of what is to come.

door Susanne Opstal


Soundtrackcity met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Het huis van Amsterdam