Hand gel on my paws
door Dina Elamoumi
Ruchama Noorda grew up in an anthroposophical, but also reformed environment. In her work spirituality, mind-expanding and returning to nature play an important role. She did a lot of research into the Reformation movement, which originated in Germany at the end of the 19th century and was aimed at total reform of society. The movement is seen as a reaction to industrialisation, urbanisation and materialism.
Noorda’s work functions as a séance, to bring out the ideals of the Reform movement. The interest in alternative systems of thought, enlightenment and faith has always been present in Noorda’s life and has grown along with her personal development. However, she cannot surrender herself to one belief or thought system. If I should call myself something, it is an anarchomist, a form in which you can deal with different spiritual currents in an anarchistic way.
For The World After she responded to the following question: Is it possible to live without wanting to control the earth? The result is a video in which she, from the couch, laptop on your lap, makes a consciousness-expanding journey.
With the video she wrote the following text:
“One day I met a cockroach on a mind-altering journey under the influence of 24 fresh leaves of the Salvia Divinorum. Since then I have been able to move around in this carved animal. The strength of the cockroach lies in its adaptability and survival instinct. I overcame repugnance and found the entrance to a cave with a screen like a campfire. I stayed in this spiritual interior for several months and did self-healing. From the couch I travelled through other dimensions and discovered inner digital landscapes, where I met my spiritual worm. I found that when I put on the cave like a dress, I can channel this worm and a consciousness flows within me that is self-sustaining and satisfying”.
by Ruchama Noorda