No dogs on the Dam!
door Anuschka Spelbos
Buurtlicht projects art, also in corona times. The work of Aja Waalwijk, “Life Lines”, shows in black and white drawings all the threads by which humans and animals are connected to their environment. In more than 100 drawings, funny and deep, light and meaningful, here during corona the Watertoren in Amsterdam West is decorated. All the residents around it can get entangled out of their window in Life Lines!
by Tanja Henn
The window as a framework on the world, for many a reality in corona time. This period of (semi)isolation fraternized and strengthened the feeling of solidarity and connection, a collective neighbourhood experience like “Life Lines” underlines this. We are all connected by unforeseen circumstances, a feeling that hopefully will last when the world starts moving again.
By Stichting NDSM-werf